Vision & Accountability Team Archives
Members: Cheryl Martin (Chair), Frank Kandel (Vice-Chair) CoraLyn Turentine (CR1), Mark Stocksdale (CR2), Carol Bixler (CR3)
Pastoral Representatives: Brian Bither, Craig Oury
(For more records, consult the file cabinet upstairs across from the copy machine.)
Mission Statement
Shalom Mennonite Church is a diverse faith community, rooted in the Anabaptist Christian tradition, being transformed by God’s grace. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we follow Jesus together as we worship God, grow as disciples, support one another, and share God’s love, justice, and peace with those around us and the world.
Vision Goals for 2023-2028
By 2028, Shalom Mennonite Church will build up the kingdom of God by…
...FOLLOWING Jesus together, by seeking unity amidst our differences.
...GROWING in the desire to more fully know God and each other through deepening spiritual, social, and physical connection.
...SUPPORTING one another and committing to the nurture children and youth.
...BECOMING an anti-racist church, sharing God’s love, justice, and peace with all of God’s children.
...INVITING others to join us and to know God’s saving love that leads to forgiveness of sin and discipleship with Jesus Christ.