Vision & Accountability Team Archives
Members: Cheryl Martin (Chair), Frank Kandel (Vice-Chair) CoraLyn Turentine (CR1), Mark Stocksdale (CR2), Carol Bixler (CR3)
Pastoral Representatives: Brian Bither, Craig Oury
(For more records, consult the file cabinet upstairs across from the copy machine.)

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Streaming is available for those who want to worship from home.
Contact office@shalommennonite.com for information.
Contact Us
Shalom Mennonite Church
6100 E 32nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46226
Phone: (317) 549-0577
Email: office@shalommennonite.com
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Inside Shalom
In the year 1525, a group of believers was trying to decide how to respond to a law passed in Zurich that required all infants to be baptized, which conflicted with their conviction that baptism ought to be a voluntary decision made by an adult, not one that was thrust upon children by the government. During that meeting, they were inspired to baptize one another, despite the fact that they themselves had been baptized as infants, as a way of expressing their personal faith in Christ and willingness to undergo persecution to spread the good news. Thus, the Anabaptist movement was born, and this year - 500 years later - we will be looking back at the legacy they have left behind as we carry on that movement into the 21st century. We invite you to join us for worship and fellowship and discover how this very old tradition still speaks to us today.
Our Mission: Shalom Mennonite Church is a diverse faith community, rooted in the Bible and the Anabaptist Christian tradition, being transformed by God’s grace. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we follow Jesus together as we worship God, grow as disciples, support one another, and share God’s love, justice, and peace with those around us and the world.